How to start Affiliate Marketing in 2024

Jan 21, 2024

Affiliate marketing stands out as a beacon of hope and commercial success for entrepreneurs and businesses in the evolving online business world. As we get closer to 2024, affiliate marketing gains more popularity. See, 81% of global brands use it to promote brand awareness and tap into new sources of revenue.

But what is affiliate marketing exactly? How to start in affiliate marketing if you are a beginner? Well, these are the questions we will tackle in today's guide. Keep reading to learn how to become an affiliate marketer and succeed in this lucrative sector in 2024!


What Is Affiliate Marketing?

Let's start with the basics. What is affiliate marketing, and what do affiliate marketers do? Per the affiliate marketing definition, it is a model in which a third-party publisher (the "affiliate") promotes the products of a merchant and earns a percentage of the resulting sales or web traffic. The affiliate marketer connects the seller and the buyer. Their objective is to craft compelling content. It attracts potential customers and persuades them to click on the link and purchase from the seller.

But this is just an overview of affiliate marketing for beginners. Mastering the ins and outs of the affiliate marketing business takes commitment! Let us dive deeper into the steps for you to become a professional.

How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?

As you enter our Affiliate Marketing 101 guide, you will need a strong understanding of a few essential components:

  • The marketer joins a program or network tailored to their niche and target consumers.
  • The promoter selects a product from the network's catalog to promote.
  • When creating content highlighting the item's features, its' creator includes a unique link in the text.
  • The marketer earns a commission when a buyer clicks on the link and completes a purchase/action.

We need to provide more context. Suppose you run a blog focused on online marketing and wish to promote an online course on email marketing. Here are your steps:

  1. Craft a blog post reviewing the course.
  2. Integrate your link in the blog post and make it look natural.
  3. Readers click on your link, and it redirects them to the course's website.
  4. Readers sign up for the course.
  5. Earn pre-negotiated commission for each sale.

Key Players in Affiliate Marketing


With this info in mind, you are ready to become an affiliate expert. Still, there are several key players to be aware of.


Third-party publishers motivated by the commission fee to explore effective strategies for promoting the company.


An individual or business offering a product for sale, either through online platforms or physical stores.


People who buy a service or a product.


Platforms that unite companies and entrepreneurs.

How to Get Started With Affiliate Marketing


Now, you are probably wondering how to start an affiliate marketing journey. There are several key steps to take. In this approach, starting affiliate marketing is best achieved by leveraging your niches and strengths for an edge over the competition.

Step 1: Identify a Niche

Your niche is the category of goods you are going to promote. For starters, go with something that interests you. Do you have a hobby? Surfing, video games, a movie franchise… Everything works when you start with affiliate digital marketing. If there's a community around that hobby of yours, you may start building your way up as an influencer, which may become a lucrative business in the future.

Work your way up in a narrow spot with little competition. Let's say you want to talk about movies. Movies might be too broad of a spot with much competition. What you may want to do is focus on specific kinds of film, like, say, urban cinema. The niche may be ripe for exploring but lacking a voice for its community.

Step 2: Select a Channel

The next step is choosing a channel for your communication with people. Will it be a blog? A YouTube channel? An Instagram page? Focus on one channel first. Then, spread your outreach through other channels too. Choose whatever suits you.

  • If you have a nice, charismatic voice, a YouTube channel might be a good option.
  • If you are good with words, write a blog.
  • If short-form content is something you revel in, go for TikTok.

The affiliate marketing examples to choose from are limitless. Of course, selecting a channel that appeals to your specific audiences is also important. If you try to appeal to teenagers, do not expect them to read a long blog post. Want to talk to mature demographics who value high-quality content? Well, TikTok will not be the best choice.

Step 3: Select the Offers You Want to Promote

As you select affiliate items, you'll encounter a range of goods across different categories and payout structures. For instance, some may offer approximately $1 per sale. Others could provide around $200 per sale. Opting for a product with higher payouts is advisable. Even if you generate only 1-2 sales, it can be more lucrative than directing 100 sales to a product that can pay only $1.

On the flip side, if you could secure thousands of smaller sales per month, you could generate impressive income as well. It all comes down to what you can do best and what matches your expertise. Most marketers start their careers by promoting offers they are intimately familiar with.

Step 4: Join an Affiliate Network

There are three primary categories of affiliate programs to consider:

  • High-paying, low-volume: These programs involve high-end goods with a limited customer base.
  • Low-paying, high-volume: These programs center around services and goods with broad appeal, such as video games.
  • High-paying, high-volume: These programs feature expensive commodities with widespread appeal, like credit cards.However, the problem with these programs is that they often attract marketers with extensive expertise, deep pockets, and a willingness to employ black-hat tactics.

Which is the right fit for you? The answer depends on your proficiency. If your audience consists of consumers, opt for the second model: low-paying, high-volume. Conversely, if your focus is on businesses, consider the first model: high-paying, low-volume. Common programs in this category often involve goods related to software and web hosting.

Step 5: Produce High-Quality Content

Want your affiliate marketing business to thrive? It's crucial to generate top-notch information seamlessly integrating your links. Don't be curating goods from Amazon's best sellers without purpose. Take the extra step to ensure your info addresses and resolves your readers' issues. For instance, in the case of reviews, consider using and testing the product. Use the product over time and share your insights based on your experience.

You must convince the readers you have sufficient expertise for your opinion to matter. Readers rarely trust people with no credit to their name. So, ensure you can show some background knowledge and credibility in your niche. Sure, you may not have a PhD in a specific field. But explaining why your opinion on a product is better than anyone elseєs is always good.

Step 6: Drive Traffic and Grow Your Audience


Now that you have created your awesome content, how do you get people to see it? There are several popular ways:

  • Paid traffic: This involves investing in traffic for your website, typically achieved through pay-per-click (PPC) ads. The key benefit of paid traffic is the instant influx of visitors once you commence payments.
  • Search Engine Optimization: SEO involves the optimization of pages to achieve high rankings in search engines such as Google. You'll benefit from steady traffic as long as you maintain a high ranking for your target keywords.
  • Establish an email list: Maintaining an email list allows you to connect with your followers at any time. Use these lists to update followers on the news, encouraging them to revisit your site regularly. This, in turn, enhances the likelihood of increased clicks and sales.

Experts use combinations of these techniques to make sure they reach their audiences.

Benefits of Affiliate Marketing

So, now you're equipped with some practical steps on how to start affiliate marketing on your own. Let's make a quick stop here to discuss some of its benefits. What is in it for you? Well, there's plenty.

Income from a Passive Source

For some, affiliate marketing serves as a primary, full-time occupation. Others use it as a substantial secondary source of income. To say that it is an entirely passive source of income would be a slight overstatement, though! You will have to publish fresh articles every now and again, but it surely is something you can do in your free time.


Professionals can enjoy their own schedules and select a playing field that aligns with their interests. This flexibility enables promoters to connect with their audience, generate income, and choose the services they wish to promote.


Affiliate marketing poses minimal risk for both advertisers and businesses. You can put a link on a website without incurring any costs. And you can earn money effortlessly by strategically promoting commodities relevant to a sector, with the link residing on their website, blog, or social media page.


Affiliate marketing requires little investment. In some cases, it takes no money whatsoever to start such a business. Are you a creative individual in a lucrative industry? Can you produce high-quality content that attracts people? Well, that's basically all you need. Of course, if you want to give your content a push, you can use any of the promotion methods we've already mentioned.

No Customer Support

Affiliate marketing is a low-responsibility job because all you need to do is promote a product. If anything goes sideways, you, as a promoter, will bear no responsibility. Still, your name and your reputation are worth more than money, so it is best to promote the things you use and can vouch for.

How to Pick the Right Affiliate Marketing Strategy for Your Business


Picking the right approach to affiliate digital marketing is a challenging task. Yet, it creates new opportunities to add growth and profit. Your strategy must be based on the following principles:

  1. Keep up with the trends in your industry and consistently offer new and attractive goods as part of your program. Seize the opportunity to be the first one to capitalize on this trend by creating blog posts that delve into the benefits, manufacturing process, quality, and other aspects of this new product.
  2. Focus on the right products. While a good advertiser can sell almost anything, a high-earning one focuses efforts on promoting the right services. As a promoter, invest time in thorough research and product testing to identify the best options.
  3. Provide genuine value offer helpful information, address queries, and deliver high-quality services that people can genuinely benefit from. While it may require effort, the long-term benefits are substantial.
  4. Adapt your content to match the preferences of your audiences. This concerns the format of your content. As mentioned, expecting modern teenagers to read a long article about a new video game would be unwise. They would much rather watch a video.

Avoiding Affiliate Marketing Mistakes and Strategies

Sometimes, knowing what NOT to do is even more important. Let's focus our affiliate marketing guide on the pitfalls you should avoid.

  • Do not limit yourself to a single affiliate programand exclusively promote goods from that program. This approach restricts your earning potential and growth.
  • Prioritizing selling over helping is another mistake that comes from a blind pursuit of profit. People will know you are a cash grab and turn away from you! Don't get too greedy!
  • Poor quality content shows people you do not care about the item or the people using it.
  • Do not promote too many things. Focus on a niche and try to stay within its boundaries. A guy simultaneously promoting guitars, home security cameras, and diving gear just goes to show he does not know anything about those things.
  • Choosing the wrong may bring your journey to a halt before it even starts. Going into an industry that does not interest you will lead to burnout and a lack of commitment.

Tips to Level-Up Your Affiliate Marketing

So you've been around the block for a while and already have some experience, but still consider yourself a beginner? Thankfully, our affiliate marketing guide encompasses all the aspects of the trade for beginners. We will also give you ideas on how to improve your efficiency and earnings during your first months in the business.

1. Begin with Product Evaluations

It is vital to understand the things you are trying to promote. Is it a good product? Does it provide value to the users? Is it worth sharing with your audiences? Would you bet your reputation on that product? Get familiar with the item, use it, and understand its value. That way, it is much easier to communicate its value, share honest opinions, and create information that helps audiences. People will appreciate you for your honesty, not for the blatant advertisement.

2. Maintain Current Knowledge

Expanding and maintaining your knowledge is a must for any occupation. Now that you know how to start affiliate marketing, do not just discard the knowledge! Maintain and enrich it as you progress. Learn about new trends, marketing techniques, mediums, and technology that would help you perform better and make money. Your current understanding and knowledge will snowball into a profound expertise that will one day make you one of the top experts in the business.

3. Establish Trust With Your Audience

One of the best affiliate marketing tips you'll ever get is to be 100% honest with your readers. Do not, under any circumstances, try to trick your audience. They will understand it and eventually punish you for it. Of course, you can exaggerate the benefits of a good product and maybe omit some of its flaws. But you will never be successful selling garbage. If the product is not good, do not even try to go there. Just stick with something decent enough so you can speak about its benefits with a reasonable degree of honesty.

4. Expand Your Affiliate Product Offerings

As mentioned, it is best to start with just a handful of things you are familiar with. Go with a few offerings for a while and see how it works for you. Once you are confident in managing two or three offerings, go forth and expand the list. Try to partner with one industry for a while, but continue to grow your offering. Make gradual steps toward increasing your network of partnerships and product offerings.

5. Test and Improve

Try different strategies, formats, and mediums. Experiment and see what yields the best results. Sure, some things you will try might amount to nothing. You may wind up wasting time and resources on activities that won't produce results. But that is part of the process! Continue trying, and you will eventually develop a unique magic formula that works for you.

6. Participate in certain activities

As a beginner, you must participate in certain activities to build up your credibility and trust among the users and other promoters. You should also dedicate time to planning your moves, analyzing your performance, and searching for solutions. It is also vital to engage in networking, getting to know people in the business, and learning from their experiences. Of course, content creation is the core activity here.

7. Make use of cutting-edge technologies for affiliates

There exists a wide tool selection you can use to make your journey smoother. One of the most popular ones is Amazon Associates, a program that helps creators monetize their content with easy link-building tools that direct the readers to their recommendations. There are other services like Rakuten LinkShare and SkimLinks. Familiarize yourself and select the one that suits your needs.

Top 8 Drivers of Affiliate Marketing

The industry relies heavily on several major pillars that ensure its growth and success. These have been built and developed over the decades, and the experts constantly work on creating new efficiency drivers for the business.


1. Influencer Marketing

Influencers are individuals with substantial followings on social media platforms, capable of influencing the consumer behavior of their followers. Sure, anyone can assume the role of an influencer. But the digital landscape, much like the broader world, tends to favor those who are wealthy, famous, and glamorous. An influencer receives payment for each post featuring a product, commonly called "a brand deal." Even influencers with moderate followings or without a global profile can command flat rates ranging from three to five figures. Celebrities, on the other hand, may charge six figures per post.

2. Blogging

Blogs still garner a considerable following, especially among adults who don't rely on bite-size content for teenagers. It is common for older people to read blog posts, especially by the creators they trust. Keep in mind that adults have the largest capacity for making purchases. Thus, it is reasonable to promote the things targeted at these demographics through blog posts. However, ensuring the quality and value of blog posts is also essential. If the readers commit to reading your blog post, it has to provide real value and be engaging enough to maintain the audience's attention.

Referral links are a good way to benefit both the promoter and the customer. For instance, a referral link may provide a discount on a product for a limited time. You can negotiate a link that gives 50% off to the first 20 people to click on it. This would create a sense of urgency for the followers, pushing them to make a purchase. That way, you will generate sales for the business and gain higher commissions. Referral links are extremely popular among creators with a large following, so they usually place them in different pieces: videos, blogs, and social media posts.

4. Microsites

Microsites are specialized websites created to promote specific products. For instance, if you intend to market a product, you can develop a microsite dedicated to attracting potential customers. Such a microsite allows advertisers to share the product's features and uses. In affiliate marketing, microsites give your product quality exposure to its targeted audience. Each time you mention a product, you include a link to the parent site. When visitors click on the link, they are directed to the corresponding goods on the parent site.

5. Social Media Sites

Influencers are the powerhouse of marketing these days. It is easy to sell a product when a person with considerable trust promotes it. You may want to try to become an influencer yourself. Sure, it is not an easy task! But you can slowly build a following through valuable information, honest reviews, and constant updates on your social media platform. Over the years, you can garner a massive following and charge substantial sums just for a single promotional link.

6. Email Lists

Successful marketers grow their earnings through email marketing. You can cultivate strong relationships with your website visitors by implementing an email marketing campaign. This approach enables you to nurture them and establish trust before introducing any product pitches. This approach increases the likelihood of generating sales. Sure, only a fraction of visitors will convert during their initial interaction with your site. But, establishing an email list with a prepared newsletter enables you to capture individuals who are not immediately prepared to make a purchase. Subsequently, you can successfully engage with them through email marketing efforts.

7. Videos/Webinars

Affiliate marketers can demonstrate products or services in real-time through conferences, streams, and webinars. This way, they can address questions and remove doubts, creating personalized relationships in the process. Additionally, webinars provide an interactive method to transform potential leads into devoted customers. This offers a refreshing departure from static blog posts or social media content.

8. Product Reviews

Honest reviews are still the best way to promote a product. As we've mentioned in the previous section, honesty, and integrity are the key to building trust with your readers. Product reviews that describe actual experiences are much more likely to generate sales than blatant advertisements stating that the product is the best thing ever. The smartest idea is to provide an actual review and an unbiased opinion on the product. If the product is great, selling it won't be a problem.

How to Track Affiliate Marketing Success

Precise tracking of your performance is an absolute necessity. It provides a roadmap for maximizing ROI and discovering avenues for growth. So, which metrics should guide you?

  • Number of affiliate link clicks:Clicks serve as a crucial indicator of engagement and potential conversions. The more clicks your links garner, the greater the opportunities to convert those clicks or cookies into actual signups or sales.
  • Number of link-driven signups: Signups are directly linked to the appeal of your product offer and the effectiveness of your content in conveying that message.
  • Click-to-signup conversion rate: Shifting the focus from quantity to quality, this metric reveals how many clicks lead to signups. A high click-to-signup conversion rate signals alignment between your messaging and consumers.
  • Signup-to-subscription conversion rate: Continuing from paid referrals, this metric takes it a step further by revealing the percentage of signups that become paying customers.
  • Churn rate: The churn rate measures the percentage of referred customers deciding to leave your product. Calculated by dividing the number of churned referrals by the total referrals, a high churn rate signals a red flag.

Frequently Asked Questions

What type of content is best for affiliate marketing?

There are different types of content to choose from: blogs, social media posts, podcasts, videos, etc. The best type is the one you feel the most confident with. As mentioned, you have to select one that is most comfortable for you. If you feel confident in front of the camera, you can communicate through videos. Good with words? Write a blog.

How do I find products and companies to promote?

Make a deep dive into the niche that excites you personally. If your focus is on art, familiarize yourself with the trends, popular items, and the needs of your target audience. If the niche is familiar to you, you would probably know what products and companies are the best in the game.

Valuable resources for gauging current trends include Google Trends, Amazon Best Sellers, and industry forums. Furthermore, explore networks such as ClickBank or ShareASale. These platforms consolidate many products and programs, simplifying the process of finding suitable ones for your market endeavors.

It is reasonable to expect AI to produce a strong impact on the industry, making the content creation much faster. At the same time, it will increase the value of human-written content, real opinions, and honest reviews. If you are to capitalize on the human aspect of affiliate marketing online, you might find yourself in a good spot in 2024. If you are interested in future market trends, you can learn more by reading our dedicated article on the topic.


Now that you've made it this far, we hope that you've found answers to most of your questions. Starting with the basics, you are now equipped with the knowledge to make another confident step into the world of affiliate marketing. Let;s make this one clear from the get-go: there's much to learn! The road ahead will be filled with learning, trials, and errors. But! At the end of the day, it is a lucrative industry that creates immense opportunities for the most dedicated professionals. So good luck with your journey!

Daria (Affiliate Manager)
Daria Sokolovska
Middle Affiliate Manager
I'm your go-to expert for creating win-win cases. I'm skilful in the dating vertical and aim to share strategies to help you maximize your profit.

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